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Leading Transformation Workshop

Do you know the single biggest obstacle for innovation in companies today?

It’s not resources or talent, working remotely or research.

It’s lack of alignment.

We have to learn how to think together better if we are to tackle the biggest challenges facing our generation of leaders.

This workshop will introduce you to the power of collective intelligence as generated by The Storm Process®. Led by it’s creator, Andrew Tilling, you’ll discover:

⟩ How to unblock your team’s thinking

⟩ How to generate collaboration and insight

⟩ How to build a momentum map to deliver on results that matter

Can you really afford to wait?

Book you place on the next available workshop NOW.


Feedback for The Storm Process®

“STORM is mind blowing. I found it exciting and structured… I have had insights, Aha moments, refined my thoughts, clarified my doubts and I left with a very clear to-do list. I recommend Andrew and this process warmly. Programs Director ”